“During a past eternity God was alone—self-contained, self-sufficient, in need of nothing. Had a universe, or angels, or humans been necessary to Him in any way, they also would have been called into existence from all eternity. Creating them when He did added nothing to God essentially. He changes not (Mal 3:6), therefore, His essential glory can neither be augmented nor diminished.” (Arthur W. Pink; 1886-1952)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
August 4, 2009
“Multitude of thy mercy.”--“Seen in many forbearances before conversion, countless pardons, innumerable gifts, many promises, frequent visits, and abundant deliverances. Of all these, who can count the thousandth part?” (Unknown)
August 3, 2009
“We ordinarily and naturally lack the ability to raise and extract holy and useful considerations and thoughts from all ordinary occurrences and occasions. But a heart which is sanctified, in whose affections true grace is enkindled, will out of all God’s dealings with him, out of the things he sees and hears, will distil holy and sweet, useful meditations from them.”
(Thomas Goodwin; 1600-1679)
August 2, 2009
“It is the common experience of mankind that times of special spiritual endowment of exaltation are followed by occasions of special temptation.” (Alfred Plummer; 1841-1926)
August 1, 2009
“A truly wise man is one, not who has attained, but who knows that he “has not attained,” and is pressing onward to perfection.” (Charles Bridges; 1794-1869)
July 31, 2009
“The appearance and activity of Jesus on earth is the central and most important event of all time. Everything that had gone before had led up to it. And everything that has followed upon it is connected therewith.” (Norval Geldenhuys)
July 30, 2009
“Let us ever seek to do the right thing, in the right way, at the right time, from the right motive, and then what we do will certainly be right.” (William Graham Scroggie; 1877-1958)
July 29, 2009
“There are no crises with God, no perplexing problems to ponder, no forces beyond His control. (Claude Duval Cole)
July 28, 2009
“For the fallen creature begins nothing, continues nothing, perfects nothing. Each stage of the restoration is the direct result of the unsought word and work of 'Elohim.'"
(Andrew Jukes; 1815-1901)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
July 27, 2009
“Let no appearing impossibilities make you question God’s accomplishment of any of his gracious words. Though you cannot see how the thing can be done, ‘tis enough, if God has said that he will do it…Though the valleys be so deep that we cannot see the bottom, and the mountains so high that we cannot see the tops of them, yet God knows how to raise the one and level the other.” (Timothy Cruso; 1656-1697)
July 26, 2009
“It was for the trial of their faith that these things happened to the Israelites, as do the trials of all Christians in all ages: and it is “after we have suffered awhile” that we may expect to be established, strengthened, settled.” (Brownlow North; 1741-1820)
July 25, 2009
"Answers to prayers are sweet cordials for the soul. We need not fear a frowning world while we rejoice in a prayer-hearing God." (C.H. Spurgeon; 1834-1892)
July 24, 2009
“The weakest creature can quell the mightiest man, if God bid, go.” (Richard Clerke; 1634)
July 23, 2009
“The mighty God, without ceasing to be God, becomes man to redeem us. Wonder of wonders! The like of this never has been -- never could be. Let the greatest king become the meanest beggar:--let the richest prince leave his palace for the vilest cell of a loathsome prison; it is as nothing to the act of Jesus, when He left heaven to put on Him the rags of our mortality.”
(Henry Law; 1797-1844)
July 22, 2009
“When matters are raveled and disordered, he can find out the right end of the thread, and how to disentangle us again; and when we have spoiled a business, he can dispose it for good, and make an advantage of those things which seem to obscure the glory of his name."
(Thomas Manton; 1620-1677)
July 21, 2009
"Proved by the Father and having faith rigorously exercised is not pleasant. It will always expose what is erroneous and lacking, while purging and strengthening what is genuine and acceptable with God. The word appears gloriously precious until we are tried by its promise. " (Psalms 105:19) (Unknown)
July 20, 2009
“Now, from this hour, will you not begin to cherish the anticipation of complete deliverance, not hereafter in old age and in heaven, but now and here? Not because of your resolutions, or strivings, or agonies, but because you will stand still and see the salvation of God, because the Lord shall fight for you, and you will hold your peace.”
(Frederick Brotherton Meyer; 1847-1929)
July 19, 2009
"You may offer an excuse for unfaithfulness, but you can never give a reason for it." (Unknown)
July 18, 2009
"He shows mercy, not because we deserve mercy, but because He delights in mercy.”
(Thomas Watson; 1620-1686)
July 16, 2009
“Whatever comes to pass, comes to pass by virtue of this absolute omnipotent will of God, which is the primary and supreme cause of all things. “Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” (Rev. 4:11)
(Jerome Zanchius; 1516-1590)
July 15, 2009
“All that we spiritually know of ourselves, all that we know of God, and of Jesus; and His Word, we owe to the teaching of the Holy Spirit; and all the real light, sanctification, strength and comfort we are made to possess on our way to glory, we must ascribe to Him.”
(Octavius Winslow; 1808-1878)
July 14, 2009
“All wonderful! Wonderful that the Spirit should strive with man; wonderful that God should bear with his backslidings; wonderful that God should love him not withstanding his pollutions; wonderful that God should persist in saving him in spite, as it were, of himself.”
(Henry Melvill’ 1709-1871)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
July 13, 2009
“Lord, thou art my righteousness, and I am thy sin: thou hast taken from me what was mine, and given me what was thine.” “Oh, sweet exchange! Oh, unsearchable device! Oh, benefits beyond all expectation!”
(A. A.Bonar; 1810-1892)
July 12,2009
"How foolish and vain for men to leave God out of their calculations! On man’s side every detail may be carefully attended to, everything may be done that is necessary to secure the desired result, and yet without God it will utterly fail.”
(Philip Mauro; 1859-1952)
July 11, 2009
"But men think, and resolve, and act for themselves; yet they fulfill the plans of Jehovah as much as the sun, moon, and stars. His very enemies in opposing him are made the instruments of serving him. How consoling to the believer is this view of Providence!"
(Alexander Carson; 1776-1844)
(Alexander Carson; 1776-1844)
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