“God makes use, not only of the imprudence, but of the worst vices of men, to the accomplishment of His own pleasure.” George Lawson (First published 1807)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
November 4, 2009
“Never measure the power of God by that shallow conceit of thine.”
(Thomas Hooker; 1586-1647)
November 3, 2009
“The first attempt to render spiritual obedience will quickly convince us of our utter helplessness. We might as soon create a world, as create in our hearts one pulse of spiritual life. And yet our inability does not cancel our obligation. Shall God lose his right, because sin has palsied our ability?" ( Charles Bridges; 1794-1869)
November 2, 2009
“It has been frequently with my hopes and desires, in regard to providence, as with my watch and the sun, which has often been ahead of true time; I have gone faster than providence, and have been forced to stand still and wait, or I have been set back painfully.”
(Author not mentioned)
November 1, 2009
“God takes great pains to inform his people in all ages that all their hope is in his sovereign favor and rich grace, and that it is not the merit or the misery of mortals, that moves him to show them pity, or extend deliverance." Ezek. 36:22, 32; Eph. 2:4-9.”
(William S. Plumer 1802-1880)
October 31, 2009
“Thus may the sheep read us a lesson of patience, the dove of innocence, the ant and bee raise blushes in us for our sluggishness, and the stupid ox and dull ass correct and shame our ungrateful ignorance.” (Stephen Charnock; 1628-1680)
October 30, 2009
"Let not him, therefore, that lacketh anything be ashamed before this throne of grace; let him ask of this giving God! And it shall be given him! that is a positive declaration of a most certain thing.” (James 1:5) (Rudolf Stier; 1800-1862)
October 29, 2009
“The glory that shall be revealed, enraptures my heart. Song Of Solomon 4:9. He wishes us with him there, because our love wrought by the Spirit, is beautiful in his eyes; this is what is especially delightful to him, and in the absence of any other excellence, commends us; and this love is more pleasing to him than wine to our taste.” (George Burrowes 1853)
October 28, 2009
“If all the nations, in comparison to God, be but as the drop of the bucket, or the dust of the balance, as the prophet speaks in Isaiah 40:15, how little then must be the kings of the earth!" (William Dyer 1665)
October 27, 2009
“The Lord’s Church would be free of mountains of heresy if all fleshly dexterity were disengaged.” (Author not named 1946)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
October 26, 2009
“The grace of Christ brings elect sinners down from their high conceit of themselves and lays them low at the footstool of a gracious God.” (John Colouhoun 1748-1827)
October 25, 2009
“Learn, that the means we use to repel one temptation may be made through the subtlety of Satan the groundwork of another and a more dangerous temptation.” (A. Clarke)
October 24, 2009
“Whether we contemplate the maladies of the soul, or those of the body, we are equally compelled to turn to Jehovah as the great Physician.” (Morison)
October 23, 2009
“There is a temptation to be ‘ashamed’ of Him, and to ‘deny’ Him. This arises from two causes—the natural tendency of the individual to bow to the opinions of the multitude, and the fact that the opinions of the multitude are generally against Christ.” (David Thomas 1813-1894)
October 22, 2009
“Nothing so effectually carries off the mind from self-dependence as the atonement,--nothing so exalts and humbles the sinner; and on this account, God appointed that acceptance and forgiveness of sin should not be given without a Mediator, and without a dependence upon His merits.” (George Smeaton; 1814-1889)
Monday, October 12, 2009
October 21, 2009
"Unless gratitude be expressed for mercies already received and thanks be given for granting us the continued favor of petitioning our Father, how can we expect to obtain His ear and receive answers of peace!: (A.W. Pink; 1886-1952)
October 20, 2009
“Even miracles cannot avail to convince despisers of truth.” (William H. Van Doren 1810-1882)
October 19, 2009
“There is nothing which God requires of his people, as to be done by them, but himself helps them in the doing of it.” (Thomas Horton; 1677-1825)
October 18, 2009
“The principal motives to holiness, in general, or to any particular duty, are drawn from some special view of the work of redemption, fitted to excite to the fulfillment of such obligations.” (Robert Haldane 1764-1842)
October 17, 2009
“There is no spot on this round earth, where we can escape the admonition, and the rebuke to our levity and pride.” (John Lillie 1806-1866)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
October 16, 2009
“My God, thou hidest thy treasure to kindle my desire! Thou hidest thy pearl, to inflame the seeker; thou delayest to give, that thou mayest teach me to importune; seemest not to hear, to make me persevere.” John Anselm (1034-1109)
October 15, 2009
“The Lord Christ is the foundation and only meritorious cause of eternal salvation.”
Thieleman J. van Braght (1625-1664)
October 14, 2009
“You cannot distrust God, and not accuse him of a want either of power or of goodness; you cannot repine—no, not even in thought—without virtually telling him that his plans are not the best, nor his dispensations the wisest, which might have been appointed in respect of yourselves. So that your fear, or your despondency, or your anxiety in circumstances of perplexity, or of peril, is nothing less than a call upon God to depart from his fixed course,--a suspicion, or rather an assertion that he might proceed in a manner more worthy of himself, and therefore a challenge to him to alter his dealings, if he would prove that he possesses the attributes which he claims.” (Henry Melvill; 1779-1873)
October 13, 2009
You will find, also, that objections urged against God’s sovereignty and man’s helplessness, are just different manifestations of human pride, - the pride into which Satan tempted Adam, “Ye shall be as gods,” and into which all his offspring have fallen along with him. Man will not consent to be nothing, that God alone may be all. And it is curious to observe that the objections urged against these truths are not passages of Scriptures, but human reasonings – man’s inferences and opinions. (Horatius Bonar; 1808-1889)
October 12, 2009
“That absolute will of God is the original spring and efficient cause of His people’s salvation.” Jerome Zanchius (1516-1590)
October 11, 2009
“Make him your counsellor and friend; you cannot please him better than when your hearts rely wholly upon him.” (John Berridge; 1716-1793)
October 10, 2009
“What the law could not do, not from any deficiency in itself, but owing to the depravity of man, God has fully accomplished. Man has no righteousness of his own which he can plead, but God has provided a righteousness for him. This righteousness, infinitely superior to that which he originally possessed, is provided solely by grace, and received solely by faith. It is placed to the account of the believer for his justification, without the smallest respect either to his previous or subsequent obedience.” Robert Haldane (1764-1842)
October 9, 2009
“The Son of David and Son of God is thus finally described by three well-known titles: “Jesus” which identifies Him as the crucified Saviour, “Christ” the promised Messiah, our Lord” the exalted King, to whom all power is given in heaven and in earth.” E.H. Gifford (1820-1905)
October 8, 2009
“The more we can think upon our Lord, and the less upon ourselves, the better. Looking to him, as he is seated upon the right hand of the throne of God, will keep our heads, and especially our hearts steady when going through the deep waters of affliction.” David Smith (1792-1867)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
October 7, 2009
“It is a comfort to see that God’s power works effectually and irresistibly, the very same power as wrought in Christ to raise Him from the dead.” Thomas Goodwin (1600-1679)
October 6, 2009
“The knowledge of God, therefore, not being acquired, cannot be increased.”
(James Petigru Boyce; 1827-1888)
October 5, 2009
“The Ancient of days,” who “declares the end from the beginning,” is seen to be faithful to His promises; and if He has been thus faithful in the past, he may surely be trusted to be faithful in the future. (William Garden Blaikie; 1820-1899)
October 4, 2009
“No, my brethren; our Lord has told us that ‘a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things that he possesseth.'” (Thomas McCrie; 1772-1835)
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