Monday, September 7, 2009

September 12, 2009

“The fall of our first parents did not begin with the overt act of disobedience; it was preceded by a process of defection that culminated in it.” (John Murray; 1898-1975)

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting quote.
    Perhaps saying it another way is that this process of defection was unknown to our first parents. If it was,'for certain, this would have been the first act of sin. This brings me to the question as to where sin comes from. Is it in us "our hearts" ready to spring forward the moment we decide to sin, or is it after we disobey the command of God and have the awareness of our wrong doing? I have found in the Bible,Romans chapter 7 verses 8-11 speak as to how sin comes alive, but not to where it comes from. This is truly a mystery for me. Any comments as to where sin came from?
